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23 or 40 Day Round Of HCG?

Time for the Next Phase of the HCG Diet to Begin!

Shrugging Shoulders
Suzy recently completed her 4th round of HCG Shots, and now it's time to move on to the Phase 3 Maintenance part of the diet program.

When she first began this round, Suzy wasn't quite sure whether or not she would do 23 or 40 days of HCG Injections, so she simply got herself prepared for either one - That way if she reached the 23rd injection day and felt like she still wanted, or needed to go another 2 weeks, she would have everything that she would need to continue on.

How Do You Prepare For A Round Of The HCG Diet If You Aren't Sure How Many Days You Want The Round To Last?

Well this is basically what Suzy did ... In a nut shell, when Suzy ordered her HCG Package Program, rather than getting just a 23 day supply, she had them send her the 40 Day HCG Diet Plan. Then when she mixed her shots, she simply mixed together 23 days at a time.

This is actually good to do for couple different reasons: For one, if you decide to do just a 23 day round the rest of your HCG Hormone doesn't go to waste. And two, it keeps your HCG from losing its potency.

Also when Suzy bought her B12 Vitamin Supplement and went grocery shopping, she was sure to get enough B12 and food to last her 40 plus days.

Usually, I would recommend that you base your decision on how many days to do the diet for by looking at the amount of weight you want to lose. For instance, you might consider doing a shorter 23 day round if you are looking to lose 15 to 20 pounds. A 40 day round would be more appropriate for someone who has 30 pounds or more to lose.

Of coarse we all know that things don't always go according to plan - sometimes life decides to throw you a curve-ball.

Here are a few reasons that you might cut your diet down from 40 to just 23 days:

  • You may need to leave town because of an unexpected business trip or family emergency.
  • It's possible that your rate of weight loss could be faster than you anticipated.
  • If you hit your target weight within 23 days, there would be no need to continue on for 40 days.
  • You may decide that you want to do two 23 day rounds rather than one 40 day round.
  • Your emotional state can also play a big role in deciding to cut the diet short.
  • And many other factors as well.

This is why it's so good to be prepared - Because even though Suzy was considering doing 40 days of HCG Injections, when she hit the 23 day mark she was more than ready to move on.

For reasons unknown, this round was very stressful and emotionally draining for her, much more so than in previous rounds. Some days she was extremely motivated and happy, and other days she would be irritable and couldn't wait for her round to simply come to an end.

Needless to say that despite her trials with diet, she stayed very committed to the Protocol. And although she did a shorter 23 day round, she still experienced a fairly good amount of weight loss success.

This means that now she is just one step closer to where she ultimately wants to see herself. And now that she has begun the Maintenance Phase, she already feels like she is ready for a more physical work out regimen.

Because even though working out is not prohibited by the HCG Diet Program, it's good to know your limits. Some people don't realize that when you are eating just 500 Calories per day, your energy is greatly reduced.

Suzy learned that lesson the hard way. At the beginning of this last round she pushed herself a little harder than usual and she literally felt drained of energy for almost 2 full days.

So if you do decide that you want to workout during the low calorie phase of the HCG Diet, start small maybe with a brisk walk or some yoga. Then, you can simply work your way up to a comfortable level but without over doing.

Because even though a bit of exercise can be beneficial to your HCG Weight Loss, too much can have negative effects on your mood, which has the ability to bring your motivation level down as well. And if you're not motivated to succeed on the HCG Diet, you're in trouble!

How many days do you prefer to have a single round of the HCG Diet Plan last for?

I always love to hear what my readers think ... So please be sure to tell me your thoughts in a comment below.

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