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The Most Important HCG Diet Topics

WOW, What An Interesting Week! Be Sure To Check Out What We've Been Talking About.

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season things tend to get pretty hectic for most of us. But even more so if you're on the HCG Diet.

That's because these particular holidays are celebrated by eating, eating and more eating.

Which is unfortunate for HCG Dieters because this can lead to cheating, cheating and more cheating.

In fact, cheating is one of the topics that we just happened to cover this past week.

So if you were too busy to read it the first time around, be sure to do some catching up ... Because this is some stuff that you won't want to miss.

The Most Important HCG Diet Topics Of The Week


The Hottest HCG Topics: Here Are Some Great HCG Topics That You May Have Missed. With all of the insanity that the holidays bring, I've decided to post just about every other day, rather than daily. So today I'm going to re-cap the different topics that we've covered over the past couple of weeks.  Read More...


The Right Way To Cheat During Thanksgiving: Now don't let the title fool you, I don't ever recommend that a person cheat during the HCG Diet. But after reading some of the emails and comments that I have been getting lately, I know that some of you are bound to cheat during Thanksgiving.  Read More...


How To Use These Holiday Feasts To Your Advantage: Well folks it's that time of year again. The time of year when we get together with loved ones to stuff our faces with food and talk about how thankful we are for everything that we have. And for most of us this lovely holiday will also help us pack on the pounds.  Read More...


Save $50 To $100 On The Complete HCG Diet Program: Have you wanted to start the HCG Diet but the holidays have you strapped for cash? Well your not alone. This can be a tough time of year for all of us. That's why Nu Image Medical is giving everyone who orders the complete HCG Diet Program before Sunday, $50 to $100 off of the total cost.  Read More...


Did A Thanksgiving Cheat Cause You To Stall? It seems that during the Thanksgiving holiday we had many HCG Dieters stray away from the 500 Calorie Protocol. However, this comes as no surprise to me. In fact, you might remember me writing about all of the emails and comments from people telling me how they plan on cheating during Thanksgiving dinner.  Read More...

So I guess that's it for this week. Be sure to come check out what we have planned for the weeks ahead.

Were you on the HCG Diet this Thanksgiving holiday?

As always, I would love to hear what you think - So please be sure to tell me your thoughts in a comment below.

Like Our HCG Diet Blog? Then Don't Miss Out On Another Blog Post, You Can Start Getting Email Updates Delivered Right To Your Inbox. And Here Are 12 Delicious HCG Recipes Just For Dropping By!


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