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HCG Diet Nae-Sayers

Although Dr. Simeons developed the HCG Diet back in the 1950's, it has recently received a surge in popularity.

I think this has something to do with the high rate of success that so many have had while using the HCG Diet Plan.

However, not everyone is so enthusiastic about the HCG Diet. As I have mentioned in past blog posts, I know a large number of people that have had a good experience on the HCG Diet.

But every single person I know that has done the diet, have been told how horrible it is and how they shouldn't be doing it.

It's obvious that the people who are saying these things know nothing about the diet. Instead of telling people how dangerous the diet is, they should probably learn more about it.

I have yet to come across any real horror stories related to the HCG Diet. I am not saying that there aren't any, but if there are I haven't ran into them.

I do a lot of research for my blog, HCG Diet 411 and I have not heard a real story that has been written by the actual person that had the bad experience. I may have read 1 or 2 things about somebody who read a story about a person once, and the person in the story had horrible side effects from doing the hormone injections, but to me that's not a reliable source of information.

I think that there are some people out there that get jealous when people around them are trying to better themselves. It's like they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

To those people: I am sorry about what ever happened in your life to make you so bitter, but when you hear about somebody trying to do something good for themselves, be happy for them!

Have you heard any horror stories about the HCG Diet? Tell me about it in a comment. Thanks for visiting the HCG Diet 411 Blog.

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