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HCG Diet Gorge Days And Dosing Schedule

Do you want to know more about the HCG Dosing Schedule and Gorge Days?

CalendarBelow is a simplified breakdown of the HCG Diet Gorge Days along with the dosing schedule as it has been written by Dr Simeons and Kevin Trudeau.

HCG Diet Gorge Days:

The first 2 days of the HCG Diet are going to be your Gorge Days.

The types of foods that you will want to eat for your Gorge Days, are the foods that are high in calories and fat.

You should gorge on lots of desserts, pizza, hamburgers, french fries, soda, and any other fatty foods that you can think of.

I would recommend having a soda and dessert with every one of your meals.

Your Gorge Days/Load Days are probably one of the most important parts of the HCG Diet. This is mainly because you will be eating only 500 calories per day. However, before you can cut yourself down to such a low amount of calories, you need to have your fat reserves well stocked before your body goes into the so-called Starvation Mode.

This is why it is so important to properly load up on all of those fatty foods during your Gorge Days. It is kind of like putting fat in the bank.

HCG Hormone Dosing Schedule:

The dosing schedule for the HCG Diet is quite simple if you are following Dr. Simeons original HCG Diet Protocol...

Start your injections on your first Gorge Day at 125 iu only increasing it as needed. If you do need to increase your dose, do 25 iu at a time up to 175 iu for the remainder of the diet.

Kevin Trudeau has written a similar protocol which would start you at 175 iu or 200 iu on your first Gorge Day and continue that way for the rest of the diet.

It should be made clear to you by your doctor which dose you should start at. If you are under the care of a doctor while on the HCG Diet, always make sure to check with them before you increase your dose.

What do you think the best Gorge Foods are?

Remember, for the 411 on the HCG Diet, come to the HCG Diet 411 Blog!

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  1. I read in one of your posts that your wife did 3 Gorge Days - I think that I am going to try doing 3 too.

  2. Hey Shannon,

    I think that it's a good idea, you will have to tell me how it goes. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you back soon.


    Brian M Connole
    The HCG Diet 411 Blog

  3. What if I only want to do one gorge day?

  4. Hey Anonymous,

    Unfortunately only doing 1 Gorge Day wouldn't work - This is because you wouldn't be storing enough fat for your body to burn later on during the diet - when you start eating only 500 Calories a day.

    It is hard to just sit and Gorge sometimes isn't it. I know how you feel. A lot of people have asked that same question. Good luck with the diet.


    Brian M. Connole
    HCG Diet 411 Blog

  5. Am I missing something,...because I have been detoxing and I'm making a list of everything I want to eat and drink and can't wait!!! Is it just because the HcG makes you feel full and you don't want to eat it anymore?? How about alcohol...can I go crazy there too? Or do I want to be moderate w the food and drink? Thanks

  6. Hey Mcsold,

    First of all - good job! Not everyone does the detox, but it should help you a great deal. The HCG doesn't really make you feel full, just less hungry.

    During your Gorge Days/Load Days, you can drink alcohol if you would like. Try drinking a lot of soda too - I would drink one with every meal.

    Be sure to join the HCG Diet 411 Forum, it's a great place to ask questions - So come be a part of our little community. It's FREE!


    Brian M. Connole
    HCG Diet 411 Blog and Forum

  7. I thought that drinking alcohol would help in the the fat intake during my gorge days, so I did. Is drinking alcohol ok to drink during gorge days?

  8. Hi Tracy,

    Yeah, it's okay to drink alcohol during your gorge days. And you are right, it does help build up the calories.

    Keep up the good work,

    Brian M Connole
    HCG Diet 411

  9. I am on drops, but I havent been able to really gorge in 2 days. Can i add a third day?

  10. Hi Anonymous,

    That would be fine if you did a third gorge day. My wife did 3 gorge days her last round and she did great.

    Let me know if you need any help.

    Good luck,

    Brian M Connole
    HCG Diet 411

  11. The dr. I got my hcg from says to do no sugar on the gorge days. She said that eating sugar makes you crave sugar on the diet. What do you think about this? I start my gorge on Saturday and am not sure about sugar or no sugar?

  12. If you have been eating sugar your whole life, 2 more days shouldn't hurt.

  13. Help!! TOday is my 2nd gorge day, and I am supposed to have 3. The problem is I didn't realize I was to use the injection on the gorge days. So, i missed the first shot. AM i doomed?

  14. My 1st binge day and I feel like a complete pig!!! I normally don't drink soda so instead I'm substiting a couple glasses of wine.. Ami the only one who feels like a complete pig on this day 1???

  15. Hi,
    I am about to try it a second time. The first time i lost 15lbs in 18 days. I stopped short of the 21 days. I have an underactive thyroid. I take medication for hypothryroidism, and take levoxyl 88mcg per day. I read that thyroid patients lose less than a regular person on the diet. Is this true? I did lose only 1/2 some days. I also didn't get my water in. I want to know if i am supposed to gorge again starting the diet again. My friends say no, but i am reading on some sites yes. Is it the same exact diet each time you try? Thxs

  16. Yes i do gorge starting another round, just found it on another page. Great blog!
    If you have any insight on the thyroid please let me know. Will begin day 1 and 2 for this Thanksgiving and the first day of 500 will be friday after the holiday.

  17. hello! im on my second day of my gorge day. i was just wondering if we should see any lost weight by the 3rd day?

  18. is it ok to use same recipe everyday for lunch and dinner? (on phase2)

  19. At Anonymous #1 some people do see a little bit of weight loss within those first 3 days. However, everyone is different. So stick to the protocol and I'm sure you'll see the weight start to fall off.

    Good luck!!!

  20. Hi,
    I'm anonymous MM :)

    I Started with my first gorge day today, I feel soooo bloated, I can't imagine doing this for another two days ... It just feels wrong but I'm following the protocol and can't wait to get rid of this weight!!!!

    I am on the drops, I need to know if I'm supposed to be drinking the 2lt of water as well on gorge days ??

  21. I have been gorging for two days but only took the drops the second day. Should that create any problems?

  22. To Anonymous -

    No you should be okay, but I would gorge one more day if you can.

    Good luck!

  23. So My husband finished his 45 days and with great results , my doctor gave me the ok to start . I thought of finishing his left over HCG injections which he has about 7 to 10 days left of it till I purchase and pick up my RX from the doctor office, even though I only have enough for almost 2weeks should I still do the george days till my next appt with my doctor? my next appt is not till next month though with my doctor.

  24. After 2 gorge days I have lost 3 pounds!! That doesn't seem consistent with what it looks like should be happening... Plus I'm a vegetarian (but I do eat fish) and possibly didn't load up on protein as I should. Should I try another gorge day?? Is it bad I lost weight already? I should also mention that I did cleanse one day.. I didn't realize that was a bad idea until after the first day... I stopped all that though. Suggestions? It's breakfast time so which way do I go? Pig out or no? LOL

  25. @Mistie -

    My wife and I always do 3 Gorge Days now, so I think you should go ahead with a 3rd day of "Pigging Out"!

    Suzy also lost weight on one of her gorge days and she went on to have a great round.

    Cleanses are great if you do them plenty of time before the VLCD.

    But either way as long as you stick closely to the HCG Protocol you should do great.

    I wish you the best of luck, and be sure to keep us posted on your progress.

    Take care!

    HCG Diet 411

  26. Ok so I'm confused after seeing these post. I did somewhat if 3 pig out dys but I Neva took the hcg unTil I started the the actual 500 cal diet. Is that a problem, am I doing it all wrong?

  27. Yes you are def doing it wrong, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you have to start taking the HCG drops so they will be in your system, so just start taking the drops and gorge again for 3 days and do a cleanse on the last gorge day after you eat and then start the VLCD..You will do awesome, I did 3 day gorge as well, seeing that once you start taking the drops you don't have an appetite, had to make sure I had enough fat/protein to sustain my body.

  28. I will be picking up my hcg shots later this afternoon but want to begin my binging this morning. Do I get any "load" benifits from anything I eat before my first shot?

  29. Hi, so far I have completed my 2nd day of loading. Today is day 3 but I woke up this morning starving and I am not sure whether to have today be my 1st day of vlcd or to just load one more day and start it tomorrow? Any suggestions?:)

  30. need advice, i started hcg drops 3 days ago and binged, on the 2nd day i started my period, can i binge one more day? should i continue the drops while on my period, it is very light?


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